History and Mission
Повече от 20 години следваме и определяме кулинарните предпочитания на българския потребител. Започнахме с предлагането на 4 вида любими салати, като постепенно обогатихме асортимента си и днес в менюто ни са включени повече от 50 вкусни предложения.
Нашите салати, полуфабрикати и готови храни съдържат внимателно подбрани зеленчуци, млечни и месни продукти, обработени по технологии, запазващи максимално добре хранителните им и вкусови качества.

Facts in numbers
Food as homemade
Not only have we increased the number of products we offer, but we also contributed to the development of the concept of good food. We do believe that if food is delicious and various and what is more its quality is good enough, it guarantees pleasure, satisfaction and healthy eating habits.
Many people think that healthy eating means tastless meals and constant limitations. On the contrary, healthy eating habits begin with regular meals and carefully selected main ingredients.
Single serving salads of 250 g and 400 g provide an opportunity for regular and balanced meals, even when you are in the office or while travelling. When you come home late and have no time to prepare dinner, Vesselina salads and precooked and ready-made meals will help you lay the table .

Quality and technology
The introduction of new technologies in our production process, gives us the opportunity to satisfy the needs of the constantly changing and demanding market.
The products we chose undergo careful selection and precise inner control. Proper processing, storage and packaging guarantee what every consumer needs in order to experience the pleasure from tasty and safe food.
Veselina Trade EOOD has obtained HACCP and IFS Food Standard.
Selection of raw materials. Storage
Raw materials and materials for the production and realization of processed products are selected according to the internal quality standards developed by Veselina salads. Moreover, they are controled on a daily basis and we have them monitored annually. The warehouse, which complies with the requirements for proper storage of raw materials and maintenance of their nutritional values, guarantees high quality products.
Processing of raw materials
Veselina Trade Ltd premises are equiped according to the highest standards for processing vegetables, meat and canned food for the production of salads and meat products. The initial processes of the products neded for the daily production are carried out in spacious, functional and modern premises, which meet the hygienic requirements. We have established solid partnership with companies importing equipment for the food processing industry in order to be informed on a regular basis about current developments in equipment and facilities which will increase the quality of our products.
Heat treatment
For the heat treatment of our raw products for salads we use high quality convection ovens and fryers which are tailored to meet the capacities of our production. Their temperature and processing time are measured electronically. There are gasification and air-conditioning facilities in the heat treatment premise. The Meat Processing premise is equiped with the necessary technologies for safe and perfect roasting of meat products.
Packaging and labeling
The conditions needed to achieve the integrity of the sliced precooked products, their homogeneity, fresh flavour and aroma of the input raw materials are guaranteed. Three modern packaging lines for salads and meat packaging facilities and vacuum machines are installed in the Salad and Meat-cutting premises.
The products we chose undergo careful selection and precise inner control. Proper processing, storage and packaging guarantee what every consumer needs in order to experience the pleasure from tasty and safe food.
Veselina Trade EOOD has obtained HACCP and IFS Food Standard.